Documentize Namespace


Class NameDescription
AddTimestampOptionsRepresents Add Timestamp Options for Documentize.Timestamp plugin.
CompressOptionsRepresents Compress options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin.
DecryptionOptionsRepresents Decryption Options for Documentize.Security plugin.
DirectoryDataSourceRepresents directory data for load and save operations of a plugin.
DocConverterRepresents Documentize.DocConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into DOC/DOCX format.
EncryptionOptionsRepresents Encryption Options for Documentize.Security plugin.
FileDataSourceRepresents file data for load and save operations of a plugin.
FileResultRepresents operation result in the form of string path to file.
HtmlConverterRepresents Documentize.HtmlConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into HTML format and HTML documents into PDF format.
HtmlToPdfOptionsRepresents HTML to PDF converter options for Documentize.HtmlConverter plugin.
ImageExtractorRepresents Documentize.ImageExtractor plugin. Used to extract images from PDF documents.
ImageExtractorOptionsRepresents images extraction options for the Documentize.ImageExtractor plugin.
InfoThe class provides information about current product build.
JpegConverterRepresents Documentize.JpegConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into JPEG format.
LicenseProvides method to set License.
MergeOptionsRepresents Merge options for Documentize.Merger plugin.
MergerRepresents Documentize.Merger plugin. Used to merge multiple PDF documents into a single PDF.
MessageA chat completion message generated by the model.
ObjectResultRepresents operation result in the form of string.
OptimizeOptionsRepresents Optimize options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin.
OptimizerRepresents Documentize.Optimizer plugin.
PageInfoRepresents the page information.
PageSizeClass representing size of page in PDF document.
PdfAConvertOptionsRepresents options for converting PDF documents to PDF/A format with the Documentize.PdfAConverter plugin.
PdfAConverterRepresents a plugin for handling the conversion of PDF documents in a PDF/A format and for validation of the PDF/A conformance.
PdfAOptionsBaseRepresents the base class for the Documentize.PdfAConverter plugin options. This class provides properties and methods for configuring the PDF/A conversion and validation process.
PdfAValidateOptionsRepresents options for validating PDF/A compliance of PDF documents with the Documentize.PdfAConverter plugin.
PdfAValidationResultRepresents the result of a PDF/A validation process.
PdfChatGptRepresents PdfChatGpt plugin.
PdfChatGptOptionsRepresents options for Documentize.PdfChatGpt plugin.
PdfChatGptRequestOptionsRepresents options for Documentize.PdfChatGpt plugin.
PdfConverterOptionsRepresents options for Pdf converter plugins.
PdfExtractorRepresents base functionality to extract text, images, and other types of content that may occur on the pages of PDF documents.
PdfExtractorOptionsRepresents options for the TextExtractor and ImageExtractor plugins.
PdfToDocOptionsRepresents PDF to DOC converter options for Documentize.DocConverter plugin.
PdfToHtmlOptionsRepresents PDF to HTML converter options for Documentize.HtmlConverter plugin.
PdfToJpegOptionsRepresents PDF to JPEG converter options for the Documentize.JpegConverter plugin.
PdfToPngOptionsRepresents PDF to PNG converter options for the Documentize.PngConverter plugin.
PdfToTiffOptionsRepresents PDF to TIFF converter options for the Documentize.TiffConverter plugin.
PdfToXlsOptionsRepresents PDF to XLSX converter options for Documentize.XlsConverter plugin.
PluginBaseOptionsRepresents base options for plugins.
PngConverterRepresents Documentize.PngConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into PNG format.
RectangleClass represents rectangle.
ResizeOptionsRepresents Resize options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin.
ResultContainerRepresents container that contains the result collection of processing the plugin.
RotateOptionsRepresents Rotate options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin.
SecurityRepresents Documentize.Security plugin.
SignOptionsRepresents Sign Options for Documentize.Signature plugin.
SignatureRepresents Documentize.Signature plugin.
SplitOptionsRepresents Split options for Documentize.Splitter plugin.
SplitterRepresents Documentize.Splitter plugin. Used to split documents into separate pages.
StreamDataSourceRepresents stream data source for load and save operations of a plugin.
StreamResultRepresents operation result in the form of Stream.
StringResultRepresents operation result in the form of string.
TableBuilderClass represents builder for table in pdf page.
TableCellBuilderClass represents builder for table cell.
TableGeneratorRepresents Documentize.TableGenerator plugin. Used to add a table to a PDF document.
TableOptionsRepresents options for add table to document by Documentize.TableGenerator plugin.
TableRowBuilderClass represents builder for table row.
TextExtractorRepresents Documentize.TextExtractor plugin. Used to extract text from PDF documents.
TextExtractorOptionsRepresents text extraction options for the Documentize.TextExtractor plugin.
TiffConverterRepresents Documentize.TiffConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into TIFF format.
TimestampRepresents Documentize.Timestamp plugin.
XlsConverterRepresents Documentize.XlsConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into XLSX/XLS format.


Interface NameDescription
IDataSourceGeneral data interface that defines common members that concrete data should implement.
IOperationResultGeneral operation result interface that defines common methods that concrete plugin operation result should implement.
IPluginOptionsGeneral plugin option interface that defines common methods that concrete plugin option should implement.


Enum NameDescription
ConvertErrorActionThis class represents action for conversion errors.
ConvertSoftMaskActionThis action represents actions for conversion of images with soft mask.
DataTypeRepresents possible types of data for plugin processing.
PdfToXlsOptions.ExcelFormatAllows to specify .xlsx, .xls/xml or csv file format. Default value is XLSX.
HtmlMediaTypeSpecifies possible media types used during rendering.
HtmlPageLayoutOptionSpecifies flags that together other options determine sizes and layouts of pages.
PdfAStandardVersionSpecifies the PDF/A standard version for a PDF document.
RoleThe role of the messages author.
RotationEnumeration of possible rotation values.
PdfToHtmlOptions.SaveDataTypeDefines output type of HTML file.
TextExtractorOptions.TextFormattingModeDefines different modes which can be used while converting a PDF document into text. See Documentize.TextExtractorOptions class.