AddTimestampOptions | Represents Add Timestamp Options for Documentize.Timestamp plugin. |
CompressOptions | Represents Compress options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin. |
DecryptionOptions | Represents Decryption Options for Documentize.Security plugin. |
DirectoryDataSource | Represents directory data for load and save operations of a plugin. |
DocConverter | Represents Documentize.DocConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into DOC/DOCX format. |
EncryptionOptions | Represents Encryption Options for Documentize.Security plugin. |
FileDataSource | Represents file data for load and save operations of a plugin. |
FileResult | Represents operation result in the form of string path to file. |
HtmlConverter | Represents Documentize.HtmlConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into HTML format and HTML documents into PDF format. |
HtmlToPdfOptions | Represents HTML to PDF converter options for Documentize.HtmlConverter plugin. |
ImageExtractor | Represents Documentize.ImageExtractor plugin. Used to extract images from PDF documents. |
ImageExtractorOptions | Represents images extraction options for the Documentize.ImageExtractor plugin. |
Info | The class provides information about current product build. |
JpegConverter | Represents Documentize.JpegConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into JPEG format. |
License | Provides method to set License. |
MergeOptions | Represents Merge options for Documentize.Merger plugin. |
Merger | Represents Documentize.Merger plugin. Used to merge multiple PDF documents into a single PDF. |
Message | A chat completion message generated by the model. |
ObjectResult | Represents operation result in the form of string. |
OptimizeOptions | Represents Optimize options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin. |
Optimizer | Represents Documentize.Optimizer plugin. |
PageInfo | Represents the page information. |
PageSize | Class representing size of page in PDF document. |
PdfAConvertOptions | Represents options for converting PDF documents to PDF/A format with the Documentize.PdfAConverter plugin. |
PdfAConverter | Represents a plugin for handling the conversion of PDF documents in a PDF/A format and for validation of the PDF/A conformance. |
PdfAOptionsBase | Represents the base class for the Documentize.PdfAConverter plugin options. This class provides properties and methods for configuring the PDF/A conversion and validation process. |
PdfAValidateOptions | Represents options for validating PDF/A compliance of PDF documents with the Documentize.PdfAConverter plugin. |
PdfAValidationResult | Represents the result of a PDF/A validation process. |
PdfChatGpt | Represents PdfChatGpt plugin. |
PdfChatGptOptions | Represents options for Documentize.PdfChatGpt plugin. |
PdfChatGptRequestOptions | Represents options for Documentize.PdfChatGpt plugin. |
PdfConverterOptions | Represents options for Pdf converter plugins. |
PdfExtractor | Represents base functionality to extract text, images, and other types of content that may occur on the pages of PDF documents. |
PdfExtractorOptions | Represents options for the TextExtractor and ImageExtractor plugins. |
PdfToDocOptions | Represents PDF to DOC converter options for Documentize.DocConverter plugin. |
PdfToHtmlOptions | Represents PDF to HTML converter options for Documentize.HtmlConverter plugin. |
PdfToJpegOptions | Represents PDF to JPEG converter options for the Documentize.JpegConverter plugin. |
PdfToPngOptions | Represents PDF to PNG converter options for the Documentize.PngConverter plugin. |
PdfToTiffOptions | Represents PDF to TIFF converter options for the Documentize.TiffConverter plugin. |
PdfToXlsOptions | Represents PDF to XLSX converter options for Documentize.XlsConverter plugin. |
PluginBaseOptions | Represents base options for plugins. |
PngConverter | Represents Documentize.PngConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into PNG format. |
Rectangle | Class represents rectangle. |
ResizeOptions | Represents Resize options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin. |
ResultContainer | Represents container that contains the result collection of processing the plugin. |
RotateOptions | Represents Rotate options for Documentize.Optimizer plugin. |
Security | Represents Documentize.Security plugin. |
SignOptions | Represents Sign Options for Documentize.Signature plugin. |
Signature | Represents Documentize.Signature plugin. |
SplitOptions | Represents Split options for Documentize.Splitter plugin. |
Splitter | Represents Documentize.Splitter plugin. Used to split documents into separate pages. |
StreamDataSource | Represents stream data source for load and save operations of a plugin. |
StreamResult | Represents operation result in the form of Stream. |
StringResult | Represents operation result in the form of string. |
TableBuilder | Class represents builder for table in pdf page. |
TableCellBuilder | Class represents builder for table cell. |
TableGenerator | Represents Documentize.TableGenerator plugin. Used to add a table to a PDF document. |
TableOptions | Represents options for add table to document by Documentize.TableGenerator plugin. |
TableRowBuilder | Class represents builder for table row. |
TextExtractor | Represents Documentize.TextExtractor plugin. Used to extract text from PDF documents. |
TextExtractorOptions | Represents text extraction options for the Documentize.TextExtractor plugin. |
TiffConverter | Represents Documentize.TiffConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into TIFF format. |
Timestamp | Represents Documentize.Timestamp plugin. |
XlsConverter | Represents Documentize.XlsConverter plugin. Used to convert PDF documents into XLSX/XLS format. |